Travel Abroad and Verto Education

When we are first discussing wishes, hopes, dreams, and preferences for college and building the initial list of schools to check out, sooooo many of my students express an interest in studying abroad and/or having “an adventure” as part of their college experience. And I am in total agreement!

Maybe you have already done some traveling with your family, or went on an 8th grade trip and are itching to do more. Or maybe you haven’t had the opportunity to really experience a location and culture outside of Portland and want to expand your perspective. Either way, just having the opportunity of going to college is going to shake things up and nudge you a bit out of the familiar comfort zone. Adding a travel abroad experience goes even further to expose you to new people, tastes, sights, behaviors, language, and independence.

Most colleges have travel abroad opportunities, and I highly recommend you add this piece to your research. Find the web pages, office, and department at the colleges you’re checking out, and dive into the specific offerings for travel at each. Here’s one example, at St. Olaf College just outside of the Twin Cities.

In addition, there is another great opportunity headquartered right here in Portland called Verto Education that offers a unique set of opportunities and experiences for travel in college, (and also reduces first-year college expenses!).

Verto Education, says “Start college with the adventure of a  lifetime. Connect to the world, sharpen your mind, and discover yourself.”

With Verto you spend one or two semesters of your first year on one of their immersive experiences while also earning a full semester (or year) of college credit at your home school. You then return to your home school to continue your studies. By going through Verto and their partner schools, you are guaranteed to be working on credits specifically designed to integrate into your coursework and “count” towards graduation, which doesn’t always happen with a more typical travel abroad semester.

For example, when our daughter Haley went to study at St. Mary’s University in Twickeham just outside of London during the first half of her junior year, she had an amazing time! But she also had to play catch up and double up on several classes when she returned, in order to graduate in 4 years. Doable, but also a bit stressful!

Also, think about the experiential learning in a hands-on, global classroom, and what you’ll take away from that!

The Verto curriculum is centered around self-discovery and cultural immersion, where you are working closely with a small group of like-minded students and professors, building relationships, and a tight community.

I have found Verto staff to be so friendly, welcoming, supportive, available, and full of information, and highly recommend you attend an information session to check this out for yourself.

Verto is hosting an open house Thursday, February 18th, 11:00-1:00, and also hosting a college fair with their partner schools on Wednesday, February 10th, 3:00-5:00.

You can also sign up for their e-Newsletter and request to speak directly with an admission counselor who can answer any lingering questions!